What is the defining characteristic of a great entrepreneur?

by Daisuke
(Delhi, Delhi, India)

<i>Starting a business, and making it grow into a big success is a dream of many of us, yet it remains a mere dream for a good majority of people among us. Thus, we must ask ourselves this question, " title="Starting a business, and making it grow into a big success is a dream of many of us, yet it remains a mere dream for a good majority of people among us. Thus, we must ask ourselves this question, "What is an entrepreneur?"" width="235" height="314">

Starting a business, and making it grow into a big success is a dream of many of us, yet it remains a mere dream for a good majority of people among us. Thus, we must ask ourselves this question, "What is an entrepreneur?"

Let's pause and consider the questions, "What is an entrepreneur?" and "What is the defining characteristic of a great entrepreneur?"

When we see several successful businessmen (both small business entrepreneurs and big business tycoons) around us, we find that all of them possess a quality called business acumen or business sense.

Undoubtedly, having "business sense" is the first and foremost of all the qualities of successful entrepreneurs.

This means that they all have a sound grasping of intricacies of their field of business which helps them by allowing them:

  • To smell the right opportunities at right time and place, and

  • To take the steps needed to exploit these to achieve success for their businesses.

People who become successful entrepreneurs in life definitely have something extra that remaining among us do not possess.

History is replete with such instances when people with ordinary resources could make into extraordinary business successes just because they possessed this advantage.

So, when asking the question, "What is an entrepreneur," we should scan history to see what we can learn about a few famous entrepreneurs.

Nothing exemplifies the impact of a strong "business sense" better than the history of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

He developed a passion for programming at age 13, and his business sense was so acute, that he actually dropped out of college in his junior year to form Microsoft, which has become one of the most successful IT business empires in modern history.

You can find Gate's story here: Biography - Bill Gates: Sultan of Software (A&E DVD Archives)

Another one of the famous entrepreneurs who can help us find an answer to, "What is an entrepreneur?" is Dhirubhai Ambani, the Indian 'Bill Gates'.

He was an ordinary petrol pump station assistant in some West Asian country, and later rose to found the largest Indian business empire, a household name in India now.

You can read Ambani's story here:

Understanding the stories of famous entrepreneurs gives us rich insight into knowing an answer to "What is an entrepreneur?" as well as knowing those characteristics that define a great entrerpeneur.

The defining characteristic of these famous entrepreneurs is that they keep an open mind and are continuously on a hunt for information and opportunities that helps direct their business decisions.

Famous entrepreneurs become famous because they are able to "feel" the moment.

They are able to "sense" opportunity.

And though there may be thousand people present in a place at a moment, it is only the great entrepreneurs among them are able to "sense" a business opportunity, thus making it possible for them to forge ahead leaving others behind.

Oh, and let me point out that these famous entrepreneurs didn't become famous by sitting around, just "thinking" about the opportunity.

By taking a close look at their life stories and biographies, you will find that they give us a very concrete view of, "What is an entrepreneur?"

  1. These famous entrepreneurs put in a lot of hard work and put into place all of the various resources needed to materialize opportunities into concrete shapes.

  2. They had the resilience and indomitable spirit ready to undertake risks and bear all the sacrifices when situation demanded so.

  3. They had the vision to see far.

  4. They had faith in their vision and a single-minded focus to pursue the opportunities.

  5. And when they are seizing the moment, they won't stop and rest - they won't settle for anything less until they realized goals to the fullest.

  6. They also had the ability to build organizations, inspire others to partake in their visions, and lead their team members and march their team with them to victory and success.

When pondering, "What is an entrepreneur, and what is it that makes an entrepreneur successful," take your cue from the characteristics showcased by famous entrepreneurs.

Become an entrepreneur who is headed for greatness IS a possibility...and a choice.

When attempting to become a successful businessman, remind yourself that you have the choice to step into greatness.

And that choice is activated once you are ready to cultivate those qualities the define greatness in an entrepreneur.

So..if you are inspired by the successes of these famous entrepreneurs, take the time to learn from their success.

It will greatly benefit your entrepreneurial success to study their approach and adopt those qualities that helped to propel them into greatness.

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