Bring Your Small Business Ideas To Life

Here you will find newly added business advice and motivational tips to make your small business ideas work.

Entrepreneur Ideas For Kids

Looking For An Entrepreneur Idea For Kids? Teen entrepreneur and author gives advice to parents looking to equip their kid entrepreneur-in-training with ideas made for them.

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5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Spent Money On Buying Ads To Increase Traffic To My New Business Web Site

When I Started My Website, I Thought It Would Be A Breeze Getting Traffic To My Web Site As an independent IT consultant, I've had my own website for

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6 Simple Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My New Business Web Site

It Was Over A Year Ago When My WebSite Journey Began (And Boy Have I Learned A Lot About Getting Website Traffic To My Site Since Then) So you have your

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Looking To Get More Website Traffic? Here's Why You Should Concentrate Effort On Writing Content That Gets You Noticed

So, How IS It That You Can Increase Traffic To Your Web Site In The Competitive Land Of Websites And Blogs On Every Corner? It seems that these days,

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3 Pieces Of Advice That Might Make Your Efforts Of Building An Online Presence Better

Learn from my mistakes: building an onlline presence requires stamina and strategy and the tenacity to be involved with your audience.

What I Have Learned (The Hard Way) About Building An Online Presence I have owned my website for four years now, though it is not my first site. Back

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How To Get More Traffic To Your Website (In A Non-Spammy Way)

Looking to get more traffic to your website, then work on making your site a comfort, and a home for your web visitor by showing them that you truly care.

Dear Web Owner Hoping To Get More Traffic To Your Website, I have had my website for several years, and have found that when one must provide original

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Tried And True Ways I've Found To Increase Traffic To The Web Site And Build A Sense Of Community With My Web Visitors

By focusing on creating a sense of community for my web visitors, I was able to increase my website traffic and build a sustainable web business.

Initially, I Tried To Increase My Web Site Traffic By Purchasing Ads (And Ended Up With A Zero Increase In Traffic) Having owned a website for just over

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How To Increase Your Website Traffic And Get The (Right) People To Your Site: 2 Quick Secrets Revealed By A Website Old Timer

I've Learned The Hard Way - You Website Won't Go Viral Just Because You Want It To I've been building and running websites for years. It started as

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10 Tips To Help You Web Design Like A Pro - Think Like An Amazon 'Artist'

Uncover 10 easy to implement tips that will help any new business website owner design like a pro.

As you begin the journey of creating a website for your business, then learn to web design and give your user an Amazon-like experience. Probably there

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10 Things You Need To Know About Designing A Business Web Site To Attract My Attention

Dear website owner intent on increasing traffic to your site.  If you want to attract me (and keep me), then make sure you do these 10 things.

Dear Looking To Design A Business Web Site, When you begin to create your business website, take the time to think about your user. We are all users of

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When Designing A Way To Increase Web Site Traffic - Simplicity is Key

If You Want To Design A Site That Captures My Attention - Make It Simple The biggest turn on when it comes to web design is simplicity. Nothing makes

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Looking To Increase Traffic To Your Website? Here's Five Things You Should Know

7 Things To Know When Trying To Increase Web Traffic

Uncover 5 critical things you should know when looking to increase traffic to your website.

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Four Life Lessons And Entrepreneur Characteristics That Helped Me Overcome My Shyness And Start A New Business

Becoming an entrepreneur has definitely been a journey that has helped me to overcome my shyness and embrace confidence.

My Story Of Entrepreneurship - It Just Sort Of Happened. I never set out to become an entrepreneur; it just sort of happened.  In 2009, I lost my

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All About Fit: 7 Things You Need To Know To Find The Best Small Business For You

Finding the Best Small Business Idea For You - 7 Things You Need To Know

Uncover 7 critical things that you need to know when searching for the best small business idea that will work for you

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Loaves of love - Brownies And Breads

How I Got Started I started baking professionally a little less than a year back when my younger son started full day school. I had to put my free time

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